Magno Kelly

Software Engineer | Front-End React Heated | Back-End PhP(Laravel) Enthusiastic

Freelancer technology passionate based at Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, committed to working with you every step of the way to ensure your success. Join me down below to see my work.

myself 3d

Services I offer

Since I started my career as a freelancer, I have been working with a wide range of technologies and tools. I have worked with many types of projects, from small to large scale.

Whether it's selecting the right technologies, identifying potential roadblocks, or brainstorming creative solutions, I approach every project with a consultative mindset. My goal is to not only deliver high-quality software, but also to build long-term partnerships with my clients by providing them with exceptional value and outstanding service.


Beautiful Designs

Creating a beautiful design is one of the most important steps in the development process. I work closely with my clients to create a design that is both beautiful and functional.

Design tools I use





Strong technical skills

Reliable understanding of programming concepts, algorithms, data structures, and software development principles. They should be skilled in multiple programming languages and frameworks, and be able to write high-quality, efficient, and maintainable code.

About me

Depth of knowledge




Good communication skills

Team effort, and a reliable software engineer should be able to communicate effectively with other team members, including other developers, project managers, and stakeholders. They should be able to clearly explain technical concepts and requirements, and be willing to collaborate and work together to find the best solutions to problems.

About me


Active listening



Since the beginning of my journey as a freelance designer anddeveloper, I've done remote work for agencies consulted for startups and collaborated with talanted people to create digital products for both business and consumer use.

I offer from a wide range of services, including brand design, programming, and development.

profit gym
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